We search for the happy things that inspire all people around the world. And looking for being shared by people of all ages, genders, and nationalities.

“People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness.”

According to recent research about good news and happiness:

     - Happiness is contagious and affects your friends and family.

     -  In order to make other happy: just spread the word.

  - Feeling happy for others can make you happy. It is easy to be happy for them! And that good feeling, in turn, will make you happy too.

   - Happy news, exciting and funny things are shared more than negative one because people experienced more good things than bad things.

   - Reading positive news triggers happiness in 64% of people. Sharing our joy increases joy.

     - We actually have three times more positive experiences than negative. 

​Why Genial Things?

​​What will happen if you stop reading bad news?

Sharing Genial Things will positively influence your friends and family. So, visit this site and share good news and things with others via Facebook, Twitter, google plus...

​Sharing Genial Things will positively influence your friends and family.  

Virginia Wolf said: “Pleasure has no relish unless we share it”.